

Living in purpose means living in alignment with your dream life. Which requires an intimate knowledge of what that vision entails and an acute awareness of the steps it takes from where you are now to the total realization of your dream.
Doing it on purpose means actually taking the steps. It’s a lot easier to walk a path once you know it. And it’s far more fun when you have a guide you trust and a group you relate to. That is why I created Find Your FulcrumTM, a twelve month program that helps you meet your dreams by first meeting you where you’re at, helping you flesh out the picture of your Highest Self (the fullest expression of your soul, abundant and free in every sense), and then helping you see and take all the steps in between. I believe a year spent in true alignment cultivates the exceptional kind of transformation that can truly last a lifetime

For many years, I have hired coaches and mentors. And now, I am also in the practice of being a consultant & coach. Working with Jenn is the best coaching experience I have had, bar none! She doesn’t stop at asking me my perspective, she offers concrete actionable advice, with heartfelt enthusiasm!

As a solopreneur, I find true, high quality outside support can be a rarity. My experience of Jenn is that she believes in me at a deep level. She shares excitement and joy at successes and progress.

My most recent call with this intelligent, life-giving, supportive professional left me physically vibrating at a high frequency, attracting new business, tearing up at simple beauty and confident in the rightness of the next steps to revamp my business models and do what I’ve come here to do!

— Betsy Hall
Bridges Leader Coach at Bridges
At the heart of every success is balance. A balance of time, energies, approaches, thoughts, patterns, etc. We spend our entire days deliberating on balances. When to rest and when to work. When to speak and when to stay quiet. When to go or when to stay. Balance is a part of every moment. And it’s no surprise it’s a fundamental part of our existence, it’s literally written in the stars. Seriously, one must only look up to the sky to see the dance of balance woven into every moment. There is the balance of the seasons, the moon phases, and the days & nights. And like the earth we come from — spinning its carefully balanced dance, turning on its axis as it moves through its orbit — we ourselves carry a desire for balance in our very core. And at the core of balance is the fulcrum point — the hinge on which it all turns. The tipping point by which you calibrate the personal scale that you measure every thought, every moment against.
You see, personal balance is not achieved in the same way you might weigh up your groceries. We are not stagnant, inanimate bundles of fruit. Like the planets, we are in constant motion, so our balance is too. Our needs change like the seasons and grow as we do. Therefore, understanding your core essentials, the key ingredients that never change, as well as how to manipulate your tipping point, allowing you to tend to either side of a given equation at any moment, is essential to sustainably moving in the direction of your soul-deep goals. Finding your fulcrum is the process by which you take back control of your life, becoming the master of your balance, and consequentially, liberating your Highest Self. This is not an easy process, but it can absolutely be a fun one, and it is certainly 100% worth it. Plus, you don’t have to do it alone. I know the mountains you’ve already climbed. I see the resilient spirit and determined heart that got you this far. But it’s time to stop battling, and start living. Imagine a year of purposefully pursuing your Highest Self — your very yummiest work and life — in a way that resonates with you specifically. A way that speaks to your very soul. And all the while surrounded by a group of encouraging, high-achieving entrepreneurs with their own scrumptious recipes for balance. Plus, undivided attention and unparalleled insight from someone who has dedicated her entire career (and life) to balance (Hey! That’s me!). Eager to talk details & options? Give me a ring!

Jennifer is a great listener and is able to sift through the chaos to bring to the surface key diamonds to work on and focus. Jennifer just seems to know what to provide as insights and inputs to help you discover what you need to learn, and to help you zero in on skills or knowledge you need to hone and explore. Jennifer is a very approachable and non-judging person making it easy to have a conversation and help get to the real items at hand. Thank you Jennifer for having my back and always being open, honest and real.

— Alan Wallner
Branding Expert at Conscious Branding

I have greatly enjoyed working with Jenn. She is whip-smart and strategic while being loving, thoughtful, and supportive. Jenn is quick and responsive to every need and feedback that has given me the support that I’ve needed to grow myself and my business.

– Bailey Fruman
MSW, LCSW, Psychotherapist & Lifestyle Design Coach
I want you to know in your mind and in your bones who you are. I want you to be crystal clear about the work you’re here to do: what you do, how you do it, why you do it, and who you do it for. And I want you to be able to share this information freely with complete clarity.
And I don’t want you to ever feel alone. I want you to feel you have a safe, sacred space in me. A cheerleader, a guide, a mentor, a confidant, a sage. I am a wardrobe of hats and I’m ready throw on whichever one you need at any given moment. And more than a connection with me, I want you to build a connection with your Inner Wisdom. I want you to develop the skills necessary to become deeply rooted in your innate power and truth, and to feel them in every moment. And furthermore, I want to help you find kindred peers with whom you can experience and celebrate every victory alongside.
On top of all that clarity, I want you to know that you’re the best person for your unique mission. I want you to feel competent in your work and confident in your self. I want you to feel like you’re living your life and not that it’s living you.



You’re tired of bite-sized solutions and formulas, and you’re ready for bone-deep transformation that only comes from eating the whole damn dish

You’re ready to live an entire year in the pursuit of your Highest Self, with the benefits of both 1:1 mentorship AND an encouraging peer community of people who just *get* it

You’re tired of your life living you, and you’re ready to master your unique balance recipe and start savouring every moment while intentionally building a business that’s a catalyst for your dreams

You understand that true success relies on soul AND strategy, and you want expert mentorship that reflects that

You want to learn from someone who truly gets it, who has climbed the metaphorical mountains of scaling businesses to 6+ figures and whose current life is a testament to those mountains as well as the magic that balance mastery brings

You’re ready to take up space. To step so fully into the work you’re meant to do, the life you’re meant to lead, and the self you’re meant to be, that you will never be able to fit into the tiny boxes
you once hid in.


If you want to know exactly how to get from where you are now to strategically balancing personal and professional goals, then Jenn is the guide for you. She has years of expertise that she draws upon as well as her natural spot on intuition. I recently worked with Jenn through a Half Day Intensive to create a new program. In 4 hours we were able to clearly articulate the exact plan to make it happen. Jenn is the coach you need in your corner if you are ready for massive growth.

– Nettie Owens
Founder and CEO at Momentum

Much like it sounds I provide clear and effective business strategy that is rooted in your soul’s purpose and calling. I have the unique ability to tap into your higher self and gather wisdom that you may not yet see or feel like you have access to…or simply can’t articulate clearly. It’s just a feeling that you can’t quite get out. I can offer it to you to craft an aligned mission and vision followed by a clear path to execution. We create step by step plans of action all energetically aligned with your core values and true north so that not only does it feel right, its easier to act toward. You are pulled forward by it vs feeling like you are pushing a boulder up a hill all day.

I have two specific gifts: A finely tuned, multi sensory intuition alongside a strong and experienced strategic/cerebral mind. I have the ‘thinks’ AND the ‘feels’. Most coaches have a greater depth in one over the other. In me, these two gifts work in unison to create an experience that begins with the end in mind and opens a container for your soul’s calling to be heard and then put into step by step purposeful action. I create programming with intimate numbers that favor individuation, depth and high touch over sameness, generic ‘best practices’ business strategy and so many people you get lost among the crowd. The result is aligned goals that allow you to feel accomplished without the dreaded overwhelm.

1. Your business is a container for your soul. It is an expression of you. If it is not fully expressed neither are you…and visa versa

2. Integrity before loyalty. Do the right thing, always and in all ways. Loyalty comes as a byproduct.

3. An inconvenient truth is always better communicated than a lie. Be honest…even when (especially when) it sucks.

4. Loving but not lenient. I take a fierce stand for everyone I work with and their achievement of their greatest potential and hold that space for them even if they can’t yet see it or hold it for themselves.

5. High standards. If you don’t have time or energy to do it right, when o you have time to do it over? Quality matters

6. Everything is energy. You can be its master or it can be yours

7. You can be the example in life or you can be the warning.

8. We live in the results of our actions…there are no exceptions. I am here to help you make choices that are the greatest reflection of you, and live in the beautiful result.

9. You are always the best investment you can make. Always bet on you!

Spiritually aligned entrepreneurs or those that identify as ‘small business’ owners who are in a service based business models. Something they have a passion for or feel a calling toward. 

– How do I know if I am a ‘spiritual’ entrepreneur? 

Spiritual development and curiosity is every bit as important to you as business strategy. You may or may not have intuitive gifts of their own. I have many clients who do and who don’t…but they all have deep value for mine and appreciate the ‘knowing’ that feels like their own truth spoken to them as it affords them clarity and validation of purpose so they can take inspired action with deep motivation.

They are truth tellers and high integrity people doing what is right even when no one is looking. They are the difference makers, the catalysts for change, the challengers of the status quo, the trail blazers, the mavericks, the mystics, and the scholars.

Other client qualities:

– Have a sense of humor

– Play nice with others

– Are passionate about their work and play

– Seek more freedom

Let’s also get the gender thing out of the way. There are those that cater specifically to men or women. I have been told forever, across many mentors and coaches, I needed to pick a lane…..”for ‘effective marketing’ …blah blah blah”. That’s cool….but not for me. Hopefully you noticed my language is gender neutral. I do not specifically cater to masculine or feminine energy exclusively. We all need both ( and I am blessed to successfully work with both). It’s not your body parts that matter to me, It’s your brain and your spirit. Whatever you identify with…you can be at home here.

I believe in protecting the integrity of my community…both personally and professionally. We are the sum of the people we most often surround ourselves with. So that means I don’t work with:

– People who hate all forms of swearing. I don’t use F bombs like a comma or anything, but we have a lot of adult conversations and swearing happens (like in the next line)

…and quite frankly sometimes a well placed swear word can be a powerful sentence enhancer….or in a rough moment makes you feel better. I believe in free speech and don’t sensor my clients…or apparently myself too much 😉

– Assholes. Yup. I said it. I have a no asshole policy.

Who qualifies as such? 

– Chronic bitchers and complainers.

– Bullies.

– People who ridicule one another, make rude remarks, employ disrespectful communication tactics and generally shame others AKA ‘mean people’

That about covers it.

This means you don’t have to be in the company of these characters either and can expect a high vibing, supportive, like minded spirit tribe.

The short answer? That depends on you. We do not employ a cookie cutter approach to our clients. Every business is as unique as the individual at its helm. We have a variety of programs to meet you where you are and make your dreams a reality. You get to choose based on your goals and what level of connection and support you prefer. We have a variety of creative ways to source the investment so you can spread out the finances without spreading out the results.

And guess what?? This is a tax deduction/business expense!

Lifestyle programming through the soul track is a great place to start and you can also apply for 1:1 mentorship to create a customized experience to reach your goals. I often work with high functioning individuals who need more soul support than business strategy. Fill out the contact form to inquire or grab a seat on my calendar and let’s chat about it!

The best place to start in this case is to reach out via the contact form. Grab a spot on the calendar and let’s chat and see what feels like the best next step.

You are still here. 😉 If you have read through my website and gotten this far….I’m probably for you. Fill out the contact form or grab a seat on my calendar for a chat! Let’s explore and see what we kind of match we are.