The first key element in achieving a healthy, sustainable state of balance is Community. You might be the sole person running your business, but life (and work) are not meant to be done in isolation. Just as Venus, planet of love, beauty, and connection, is a symbol of the importance of finding your tribe, every mentor you admire is a symbol of the great work that happens when you find the right support and accountability. No success hasever happened in a vacuum. So whether it’s the soulful or strategic components of your life and work that need tending, don’t be afraid to actively seek mentorship and accountability. The right people around you truly make all the difference and give you the momentum you need to achieve that perfect balance recipe. So, who in your life (or that you’ve encountered in books or online) makes you feel seen, heard, encouraged? Who gives you positive energy or keeps you accountable to your goals? How can you intentionally seek out and surround yourself with more of this type of support?
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