Alchemy of Business ™ Event

Your business has many moving parts….not the least of which are soul (being) and strategy (doing).  Within that is a delicate mixture of all the right elements that are unique to you and make what you offer the world special in a way only you can.  It’s not always easy to capture that essence of that in a bottle and distribute it to those you serve.  Sometimes it’s even downright hard to get hold of.  It’s just this ‘knowing’ we can’t put words to….BUT, when we do get hold if it, our business can take off, and the all the ‘doing’ parts (think strategy, tech and implementation) can overcome the ‘being’ parts (think soul, joy of just serving the clients and being in your unique brilliance) The ‘BEING’ is what made us fall in love with our craft in the first place.  For ultimate fulfillment…we need them to be in balance or harmony with one another.

Enter, The Alchemy of Business™. Join us for this unique 1 day experience where we unpack your business elements…get clear on what you love, and what is the most aligned way for you to serve, connect with it in a deep and powerful way that pulls you forward vs pushing it up the hill.  The best part? You don’t do it alone. You will be in the energy and company of other like minded spirits and be inspired in a way that lights your fire within.  

Be ready to confidently take action toward your business in a more powerful and aligned way.

This event is not to be missed!  Let’s take a fresh look at all you have been ‘doing’ and ‘being’.  Get clear, connected and confident. Begin  with power and carry it forward with a new found freedom and purpose that serves you like never before..

EVENT DATE: Thursday, January 25, 2023

9am - 5pm Mountain | 11am - 7pm Eastern | 10am - 6pm Central | 8am - 4pm Pacific.

Regular Admission Includes

  • 1-day, high-energy and high-impact event
  • Clarity, Connection and Confidence around your life and business to start this year strong while owning your power and standing in your truth
  • A sacred container to bring forth the biggest, boldest, brightest version of you and your business
  • Meaningful content to help you articulate the vision and the plans and path to make it real.
  • Real time implementation
  • Interactive with intimate numbers so you don’t get lost in the masses
  • The best of an in-person event without the expense or hassle of travel in the comfort of your own home or office.

Watch for the ‘All Access Pass’ upgrade opportunity after your order processes!

“If you want to know exactly how to get from where you are now to strategically balancing personal and professional goals, then Jenn is the guide for you. She has years of expertise that she draws upon as well as her natural spot on intuition. I recently worked with Jenn through a Half Day Intensive to create a new program. In 4 hours we were able to clearly articulate the exact plan to make it happen. Jenn is the coach you need in your corner if you are ready for massive growth.”

– – Nettie Owens

Jennifer is a great listener and is able to sift through the chaos to bring to the surface key diamonds to work on and focus. Jennifer just seems to know what to provide as insights and inputs to help you discover what you need to learn, and to help you zero in on skills or knowledge you need to hone and explore. Jennifer is a very approachable and non-judging person making it easy to have a conversation and help get to the real items at hand. Thank you Jennifer for having my back and always being open, honest and real. 

– – Alan Wallner

Jennifer’s incandescent clarity and great humor are the perfect combination to help me not only see the path but feel completely energized to run down it. She’s a great coach!

– – Lisa Poulson

Raving Fans


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Meet Your Host

Jennifer is a certified coach and balance expert on a mission to serve spiritual seekers and service-based entrepreneurs. She ensures they experience more freedom and make more money by ensuring that their business acts as a vehicle for a life they love to live and a container for their soul’s calling.. She does this with her own finely tuned intuitive gifts and experience informed strategies.

She did not come by her balance expertise easily. In fact, an insatiable curiosity and resilient spirit seem to have become an open invitation to the Universe for the brutal exploration of her edges. She has known proper imbalance and rapid oscillation across a number of life’s metaphorical scales. As a result, Jenn has come to understand balance as a foundational pillar of existence. When we master balance, we find the freedom to live and serve in our business as our best selves in our best lives.